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  • Lamb of God – Wake Up Dead ft. Dave Mustaine (Official Video)

    发表于 05-03 21:10
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  • 上帝羔羊✖️马大卫!!!
    2022年4月由官方发布,上帝羔羊乐队主唱D.兰德尔·布莱斯、吉他手马克·莫顿和威利·阿德勒、贝斯手约翰·坎贝尔和鼓手阿特·克鲁兹远程录制了这首Megadeth经典歌曲,并招募了Megadeth主唱亲自为歌曲配上吉他和人声。Mustaine为这首歌注入了他标志性的声音,在上帝的马克·莫顿(Mark Morton)的兰姆(Lamb)以及梅加戴特(Megadeth)的Mustaine和基科·卢雷罗(Kiko Loureiro)的各种独奏中担任首席吉他手。录音还包括Megadeth成员Kiko Loureiro、Dirk Verbeuren和James LoMenzo的声音贡献。
    Lamb of God vocalist D. Randall Blythe, guitarists Mark Morton and Willie Adler, bassist John Campbell and drummer Art Cruz recorded the Megadeth classic remotely and recruited the Megadeth frontman himself to feature guitar and vocals on the song. Mustaine lent his signature vocal to the track, with lead guitar work on the various solos by Lamb Of God’s own Mark Morton, as well as Megadeth’s Mustaine and Kiko Loureiro. The recording also includes vocal contributions from Megadeth members Kiko Loureiro, Dirk Verbeuren and James LoMenzo.

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  • 音速瓶起子王木木孙琦(缝合怪版)金属界的小卫士


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